Monday, April 18, 2011

mason: 8 months

this post is a bit belated, as mason turned 8 months last week, on the 13th! He doesn't have a dr. appointment until next month at 9 months old. so this month i don't have any stats other than he is growing like a weed! He is growing into such a little man - his personality shines through a little more each day, and it is amazing to watch him figure things out in his own little world. he recently has been the happiest when he has his pinwheel in his hands, shoving muffins in my mouth, eating mum mums, and playing with momma :)


this month mason:

is army crawling - can't stay on my knees, guess i'm too big :)
responds well to his name being called
says "ma ma ma" and reaches his arms out for me {i'm totally in love with this baby!}
also says "dada" but without reaching for him {this may or may not make me feel great ha!}
jibber jabbers all day long :)
drools and slobbers alot
almost always has something in his mouth
loves playing peek-a-boo
is curious about everything
loves reading a book with mommy, especially before bed time
is starting to cry when husband or i leave the room that mason is in
loves staring into the mirror and giving himself wet, sloppy kisses
copies any sound that daddy makes





so, yay for mason and yay for 8 months! i'm so thankful God has granted me this time with mason. i desire and pray i'll get to spend a lifetime getting to know this little man.

your momma


  1. He is such a stud!!!! When I read his updates him and Maggie are so close in age I feel like they are "kinda" growing up "together" Love that!! Hope you are doing well lady!! XOXO

  2. Oh my word, he is so adorable!! You are going to have to watch out for all the pre-teen girls knocking down your door in about 12 years lol! You have a beautiful family, God bless.



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