Wednesday, April 20, 2011

embrace the camera: april 20

so i'm embracing taking a few more pictures of my little man and i before i leave for 5 days while i visit my sister at martha's vineyard :) although i'm super-deee-duper excited to travel and see a new place, i'm terrified and sad to leave my little man behind! (frown face) will he remember when i get back? will he miss me? will husband snuggle, kiss, send me pictures of him? am i over-reacting? yea probably.

this little boy is quite freakin' adorable. i die. eeeeee!!!
ps i got some bangs.....and they beeeee doin' some funky splitting down the middle in these photos :)




i love you mason and know that i will be missing you daily.....and you too husband :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

mason: 8 months

this post is a bit belated, as mason turned 8 months last week, on the 13th! He doesn't have a dr. appointment until next month at 9 months old. so this month i don't have any stats other than he is growing like a weed! He is growing into such a little man - his personality shines through a little more each day, and it is amazing to watch him figure things out in his own little world. he recently has been the happiest when he has his pinwheel in his hands, shoving muffins in my mouth, eating mum mums, and playing with momma :)


this month mason:

is army crawling - can't stay on my knees, guess i'm too big :)
responds well to his name being called
says "ma ma ma" and reaches his arms out for me {i'm totally in love with this baby!}
also says "dada" but without reaching for him {this may or may not make me feel great ha!}
jibber jabbers all day long :)
drools and slobbers alot
almost always has something in his mouth
loves playing peek-a-boo
is curious about everything
loves reading a book with mommy, especially before bed time
is starting to cry when husband or i leave the room that mason is in
loves staring into the mirror and giving himself wet, sloppy kisses
copies any sound that daddy makes





so, yay for mason and yay for 8 months! i'm so thankful God has granted me this time with mason. i desire and pray i'll get to spend a lifetime getting to know this little man.

your momma

Monday, April 11, 2011

10 summer goals...

as summer is drawing nearer, i thought it would be appropriate to start jotting down some of my summertime goals. one of the perks of being a teacher is that you get about two months "off"...meaning besides working in your room, taking classes, going to workshops, etc., you have two months of having some freedom. this summer is the first summer of not having a job (usually i teach summer school) and the first summer of relaxing with my baby mason!
also, this summer is the first time i will be making some goals and hopefully achieving these goals :)

last night, while sitting around our little campfire in the backyard, i was just actually talking to mr. husband about some goals i had for the summer....then this morning danielle's sometimes sweet blog inspired me to write them down and blog about them! :)
so here we go! :)


1. keep up on my running exercise.
i am running my first 5K this weekend. i have worked very hard to get to this point and i don't want to loose everything i worked so hard for. summer is so flexible that i don't want to forget about running because lemme tell ya, it really wasn't fun trying to get back in shape! :)
maybe i should work toward running a 5K each month so i can't forget about running! :)

2. keep up with my garden.
this will be my second year of having a vegetable garden. last year i was very pregnant with mason and just kind of left the garden and didn't pay much attention to it.
however, this year i would like to earn my green thumb badge :)
i just love the freshness of home grown veggies!
i plan on canning some salsa at the end of summer!

3. have friends out to BBQ each month.
we have a huge yard to BBQ, play yard games, swim in our 1st pool, and to have campfires :)
my plan is to host BBQ's each month to fellowship with friends we love!

4. experiment more with my d-slr.
i have had my camera since january and haven't shot many pictures besides in the portrait setting! i want to experiment in other setting, possibly even the manual and change iso settings, aperture settings, etc. eeeeepp!

5. paint the outside of one of our sheds at our house.
this shed i'm thinking of at our house is a sore sight to see. much paint has chipped and looks a little ragged. i want to take a weekend to scrape and paint a new fresh color.

6. paint mason's toy room.
right now it is a dark burgundy, which was the color when we moved in 1 1/2 years ago. i plan on painting a light, fresh, soothing color. hopefully i will have pictures to show the before and after. :)

7. paint our entryway. the room when you first walk into our house.
right now it is white. i would like to paint the entryway a muted/soft color.
any suggestions on colors? i am open to any suggestions!

8. keep up the maintenance work of our pool.
this summer we are going to put up a pool in our backyard :) i found a website that you can actually make your own chemicals to keep the chlorine level, pH, etc., up with out the cost of buying chemicals from your local pool store.
i can't wait to do this! ahhhh i can just see mase and i chillin' in our pool all summa long!! :)

9. stay more up-to-date with this little blog o' mine.
seems like these past few months, i just haven't had time to really keep up with it!
i plan on blogging hopefully at least every other day.....i hope.

10. complete more diy projects.
i love getting crafty and making my own goodness. i have been slacking lately and that needs to change. good thing summer is coming to have more freedom of having crafternoons :)

whew! looks like i will be pretty busy this summer!!
28 more school days until school is out and summer starts for mason and i!!!
and 10 more days until boston and marthas vineyard!!
{but who's counting anyways :)}


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


...i think it might be safe to think....
that spring is finally here in central nebraska.
birds are singing their hearts out,
flowers are poking from the ground,
and green is beginning to fill in where the brown of winter once stood.

Friday, April 1, 2011

they're about to hatch!

the eagle eggs that is....
so today on my way into school (40 min drive) my sister called to tell me something she heard on klove....
...there is the eagle couple that have laid three eggs and they are going to hatch literally any day! possibly even tomorrow. you have to check it out. and once you do i promise you will be addicted to watching this live cam of the beautiful majestic eagle.
the mom and dad eagle take turns sitting on their eggs.
they will turn their eggs every so often too.
today i saw one egg has a hole in it, so that one will hatch probably tomorrow!
this eagle couple have been together since 2007....awww love birds (sorry i just had to say it)
this stuff totally excites me and plus, this kind of happenings doesn't just happen every day people!
check this link out to keep an eye out on the eagle eggs and the hatching that is going to happen!

my kids at school were totally into this whole thing. i don't think they focused on anything else but wanting to watch the eagles on my computer :) it's ok, it was a learning experience for them too :)

happy weekend and happy eagle egg watching! :)
i hope i don't miss them hatching, i will be so bummed!!!


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