Wednesday, February 9, 2011

embrace the camera: feb 10

this weeks embrace the camera is taken while i'm rockin my little before nigh nigh
"ahhhhhh", i can hear ya now :)
i {love} these moments of cuddle time....they are starting to be few and far between :(
as mase is getting older, the cuddle time becomes fewer....
...he is a mover and becoming {much} more independent.

this week has been absolutely crazy!!
i think i need to simplify my life.
monday i saw mason for 1 hour. seriously?!? yes. and i.hate.that.
tuesday i didn't see him AT ALL :( he was still sleeping when i left for school, then we had parent/teacher conferences until 8pm {and i have a 30+ drive home} so he was sleeping when i got home too.
wednesday i finally got to play, love, cuddle, smooch, giggle, hug, change diapers, and clean a ucky dirty cd {i know you wanted to know that} from 4:30 until bed time. i was a baby hog that afternoon!!!
today, i have parent/teacher conferences AGAIN until 8pm so it is unlikely to see him tonight :( this makes me want to be a sahm even more!!! {still praying for God's Will!!!} :)
soooo i.can'!!!!!!!!!

have a dandy day :)


head on over to the anderson crew and see what's the buzz about
embracing the camera!!


  1. Those bath pictures are awesome! What a cutie!

  2. Great shots......being a working mom is tough! I hope you have lots of baby time this weekend....

  3. That is one little cutie you have there.

  4. You're little guy is so cute!!! I hope you'll get some great quality time this weekend.

  5. Oh cuddle time. My girl goes through stages, one week she wants to be cuddled, the next not at all, then she's back on the cuddle wagon. I take it when I get it!! Great pictures!

  6. oh those baby bath pics are the best!

  7. I miss the days where my little one could be bathed in the sink! and I miss the days where she wanted to be cuddled even more!
    Your little boy is adorable! Cherish every moment!

  8. Great bath pics. I know it's hard when things are so hectic, it happens to all of us

  9. What a cute baby!!! :) Hope you'll come by and say hi as well. HUGS!

  10. Love your pics, esp the bath ones!! SO freakin cute!! Mase looks SO big ;) You are an awesome working mama!! Keep on keep on girl!! Praying it happens sooner than later! Hugs to you!

  11. As a busy, working mom of two I completely understand that feeling of just not getting "enough of them" - the look on your face in the first picture speaks volumes (and you look as though you're just radiating with happiness from sitting there with your baby - it's just beautiful!) I hope you'll continue to embrace the camera and share those shots with all of us - they truly are inspiring!

    Christine aka The Stampin' Ninja

  12. Oh my goodness. What a cutie. Hang in there... working & parenting is not easy, but you'll find a balance soon enough!



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