Thursday, January 13, 2011

embrace the camera: SNOW DAY! {jan 13}

today's pictures are from this week when we had a snow day!
i'm not so sure who enjoys them more....students OR teachers???!?!?

i know i was one HAPPY teacher sunday night when i got a phone call letting me know we were going to have a snow day on monday!!! yippeeeeeeeee!!! i was doin some major fist pumping in the living room!

cheers to snow days..with my boys :)

my bambeeno all bundled up. AND his first snow experience :)

gosh. i could eat him.

last year i had many snow days away from school..........which is how we ended up with our little lovie mason :)
haahah i can hear ya shouting...TMI TMI TMI!!!!

want to embrace the camera with me??????
come over and join in the fun!!!

have a fabulous day my friends :)


  1. hey i live in the snow, and i've popped out 4 kiddos. i hear ya girl...i hear ya. ;D you are so pretty and he is adorable!

  2. well, i'm in sunny california and still managed to pop out four kids....soooooo, i don't think the weather has anything to do with it! bahahah. he sure is a cutie!!!!

  3. Haha. Totally cracking up at your post! Great pics!

  4. Look at you guys all cute in the snow! I love your pics!!!

  5. Lovely pictures! We enjoyed the snow this week, too!

  6. Good thing for them snow days, cuz he sure is a cutie!! Love the photos as usual :)

  7. well helloooo there snow.
    man, i sure miss the snow. how about a live vicariously through you, mkay?

    love the pictures...glad you joined us :)

  8. That little coat is the cutest thing ever!



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