last week was beautiful. why? i had the week off of work!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh it was sweetness and awesome.
i think my nesting instinct has kicked into high gear. about time i would say. only 4 weeks until the lil chum chum is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my sis and sweet friend em came to help :) i did help too.....we just made sure there was plenty of ventilation for the babe to breathe!!
while we were in the painting mode...........we painted the upstairs bathroom. for some reason ted didn't like the lavender purple???? huh.
chum chum was 35 weeks old:
ted did a very good job too.....he wasn't close to passing out when the showed 'the video'. except there were no eyes on the c-section part.....nor were my eyes looking. yucky.
- feet are still puffffffyyyyy
- face starting to fill out......bummer
- babe is head down.....i feel him hiccup way down low
- less jabbing/kicking/boxing/back flips....not enough room in there!!!
- frequent peeing - especially at 2:45am :)
- itchy tum - i can handle that one
- more energy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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