Thursday, May 12, 2011

embrace the camera: may 12

i'm linking up with emily today!

this past weekend was my first mother's day, and it was lovely. it was a very busy weekend, but it wouldn't be normal if it wasn't hectic :) i'm so thankful mason made me a momma...words can not express how much i love motherhood, this journey has been incredible, hard, stressful, and lovely :)

my favy fav boys on my first gorgeous mother's day


oh my, i could eat those little feeties :)
there really isn't a day that goes by that i could just eat him. he is just so scrumptious!

Monday, May 9, 2011

a weekends worth...

my oh my, this weekend was a busy one! we spent some of it in omaha, lincoln, and at home, and every moment was lovely! we spent friday at our house preparing, cleaning, and shaping the house up for sunday.

saturday my lovely sister graduated from UNMC(university of nebraska medical center) with her pharmacy degree!



what an accomplishment and i'm thankful i could celebrate that great day with her! :) we drove an hour to lincoln to eat dinner together along with her financy, in-laws, my momma, and sisters.

then on sunday, mason was dedicated at our church. what a special time in the life of us parents, to dedicate our child and promise to raise our babe (and future babes) to be more Christ like. we had both sides of our family to our house to have lunch and fellowship :)



so blessed to hear "ma,ma,ma" come out of our little babes mouth :)

what is it about boys and water????


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